Woods Walk

I‘ve always been drawn to County Wicklow. County Wicklow is a captivating place, earning its nickname “the Garden of Ireland” due to its stunning landscapes, lush gardens, and picturesque scenery. Movies like Braveheart, The Count of Monte Cristo, and P.S. I Love You, along with the popular series Vikings were all filmed here, fascinating right?

Ballinastoe Forest in County Wicklow is indeed a magical and enchanting place, often compared to the fantastical landscapes of the Lord of the Rings. Its dense woodlands, serene lakes, and winding trails create an otherworldly atmosphere that captivates visitors.



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Ballinastoe Woods Walk is a popular hiking destination located in County Wicklow, Ireland. It’s known for its scenic views, lush woodlands, and access to part of the famous Wicklow Way trail. 

So, today let’s deep dive into Ballinastoe Woods Walk: where it’s situated, how to get there, parking options, and all the other details that you need to know.

Where is This Beautiful Forest?

Ballinastoe Woods is located in the Wicklow Mountains National Park in County Wicklow, Ireland.

For tourists visiting Ireland, Ballinastoe Woods in the Wicklow Mountains National Park offers a convenient and scenic escape from the cities. But, it’s basically an hour’s drive from Dublin or around 2 and a half hours’ drive from Belfast. 

Indeed, Ballinastoe Woods is conveniently located near several notable attractions in the Wicklow Mountains, making it an excellent base for exploring the region. Here are some highlights you can easily add to your itinerary:

– Lough Tay: Often referred to as the “Guinness Lake” because it resembled a pint of Guinness, Lough Tay is a stunning lake situated just a short distance from Ballinastoe Woods. Its picturesque setting makes it a must-see.

– Roundwood Village: This charming village, known as the highest village in Ireland, offers a pleasant stop for refreshments, local crafts, and a taste of Irish village life.

– Sally Gap Drive: This scenic drive through the Wicklow Mountains features breathtaking landscapes, rolling hills, and panoramic views. It’s a perfect route for photographers and nature lovers.

– Djouce Mountain Walk: For those who enjoy hiking, the Djouce Mountain Walk offers a moderately challenging trail with spectacular views of the surrounding area, including Lough Tay and the Wicklow Mountains.

Also, many people visit here to hike the Wicklow Way. A 128-kilometre national trail that goes from Rathfarnham to Clonegal.

I’ve seen that most people want to go to Ballinastoe Woods just for the Boardwalk. It’s perfect for taking pictures and videos and social media,  especially Instagram, made it super popular.

Different Trails Of Ballinastoe Forest

Here, you will find a variety of walking trails to explore, ranging from short walks that take approximately 30 minutes to longer hikes that can take over 3.5 hours.

The short walk (3.5 km / .5 – 1 hr)

This option is perfect for tourists who are short on time. You’ll get to see the Ballinastoe Woods boardwalk and enjoy stunning views from the JB Malone Memorial, making it a memorable and efficient way to experience the beauty of the area.

To start your journey, park your car at either the upper car park or Pier Gates. If you park at the upper car park, head to the memorial first and then walk down the boardwalk. After that, return to the car park the same way you came.

If you park at Pier Gates, walk up through the forest to the memorial, and then retrace your steps back.

The long walk (10km / 3 – 3.5 hrs)

The long walk is quite similar to the shorter walk. After visiting the JB Malone Memorial, you continue on to include the Slí na Sláinte trail (which I will discuss later). While the longer walk is a bit of a journey, many agree that walking through the woods and reaching the Memorial is the highlight, and few would argue with that.

If you decide to do this longer walk, just be careful to stay on the path and watch out for any bikes coming your way.

The Slí na Sláinte (5km / 1.5 hrs)

Here’s another option for you. This one doesn’t include the famous boardwalk, but you can modify the route if you want to add it in.

To start, head to the Ballinastoe Woods car park. Look for signs with yellow arrows, which will guide you through the forest. Follow the trail as it takes you up through the woods until you reach the JB Malone Memorial.

It might not be easy to spot the memorial, so using Google Maps to find it is a good idea. Once you’re at the memorial, you’ll be rewarded with amazing views over Lough Tay and beyond.

Then, the trail goes back down to the Ballinastoe Woods car park.

Woods Walk

How To Get There?

Now, as for getting there, driving is the most common option. There are several car parks you can choose from, depending on which part of the walk you want to start from.

People also love to cycle here, as it’s famous as a bike-riding spot. So, you can consider biking or cycling as an option as well, although most tourists opt for the convenience of using a car.

If you’re not driving, don’t worry! You can still get to Ballinastoe Woods by public transport, or perhaps even by taxi if you’re feeling fancy. Once you’re there, you can begin your adventure into the woods.

But most people who visit Ballinastoe Woods will probably want to visit the mystical-looking Ballinastoe Boardwalk. I will write the details about this one.

The entrance points of the Ballinastoe Boardwalk

1. Halfway Up The Hill 

The easiest way to access the Ballinastoe Boardwalk would be to park around halfway up Wicklow Way hill in the small lay-by and use a nearby mid-way entrance to enter the wood. There are two wooden entry barriers and a walking trail marker (Google PIN). 

When you start walking here, just continue until you reach a small intersection, which should be about 2 minutes later. Then, turn left to reach the Ballinastoe Boardwalk. Here’s a simple summary:

  • Follow the straight path into the forest until you see a small mound. Hop over it, turn left, and you’ll find the Ballinastoe boardwalk. It should take about 10 minutes to get there.
  • Once you’re on the boardwalk, it curves upwards through the woods, resembling scenes from “Lord Of The Rings.” This spot is particularly popular for photos, with cloudy or rainy days offering soft lighting that enhances the mystical atmosphere. After snapping photos, take some time to explore more magical spots in the woods.

2. At The Top Of The Hill

The halfway parking area only fits two cars, so it might be full when you arrive. But don’t stress! If that happens, you can park for free at the Ballinastoe Car Park at the top of the hill. From there, just walk down the main road to reach the same midway entrance.

From this car park, the walk to the Ballinastoe Boardwalk will be the same, taking around 10-15 minutes.

3. The Don’ts

There was a third entrance at Pier Gates that took only 10-15 minutes. However, it’s now fenced off, so it’s best to skip this illegal option.

Some may also suggest parking up in the J B Malone car park and taking an entry from there. However, in my opinion, this is quite far from the Ballinastoe Boardwalk, and you may end up losing your way.

The parking area section will give you a better understanding.

My preference for parking

You guys can already guess that I love the small lay-by for parking. I am summing up here for better understanding. In my list, I have- 

  • Small lay-by next to Ballinastoe Woods on Wicklow Way
  • Ballinastoe car park
  • Wicklow Way car park at Luggala
  • J B Malone car park
  • Ballinastoe Mountain Bike Trail car park
  1. Small Lay-by next to Ballinastoe Woods on Wicklow Way: 

It is the most convenient parking option, less than a minute’s drive from Ballinastoe Car Park. We already talked about it. It holds around two cars so it’s very limited. providing quick access to the Ballinastoe Boardwalk in less than 10 minutes.

  1. Ballinastoe Car Park:

Larger off-road parking opposite the Lough Tay/Luggala estate viewpoint. Walk down the main road to enter the woods midway for easier access to the boardwalk in around 15 minutes. It’s free but spaces are again limited. 

There is a path that leads you into the woods from above. But, for the easiest access to the Ballinastoe Boardwalk, walk down the main road and enter the woods around halfway through as we talked before. This will take you around 15 minutes to the boardwalk.  Click here for a Google Pin!

  1. Wicklow Way Car Park at Luggala (Paid):

This popular paid parking area at the bottom of Wicklow Way Hill has facilities like a port-a-loo toilet and refreshments. But, it has opening times (9 am – 7.30 pm) and locks in the early evening. Paid parking area at the bottom of Wicklow Way Hill with facilities but further from the boardwalk, taking around 20-30 minutes to reach.

  1. J B Malone Car Park:

This is also an option on busier days like weekends when the other car parks fill up. But, again, it’s further from the Ballinastoe Boardwalk. I would only choose this if you want a longer walk.

  1. Ballinastoe Mountain Bike Trail Car Park:
    Not suitable for accessing the boardwalk as it’s on the other side of the woods and intended for mountain biking.

This quick guide provides various parking options for visitors, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience at Ballinastoe Woods Walk.

Amazing places near Ballinastoe Woods Walk

Lough Tay viewpoint aka the Guinness Lake

If you want to add something extra magical to your Ballinastoe Woods walk, don’t miss the opportunity to stop at the Lough Tay viewpoint.

It’s known as the Guinness Lake not only because of its resemblance to a pint of dark beer but also because the land used to be owned by Arthur Guinness, the founder of the Guinness beer company.

Here’s a cool fact: Lough Tay is where they filmed Kattegat in the Vikings TV show! But don’t worry, you won’t see any Vikings during your visit.

On sunny days, the views of Lough Tay are amazing! There are lots of spots along the road where you can take great photos. So, make sure you stop by and take in the beauty, So, be sure to take a moment to stop by and soak in the beauty of this picturesque landscape!

The Sally Gap Drive

If you’re up for a scenic drive, consider heading out on Sally Gap Drive. Along the way, you’ll pass by stunning sights like Lough Tay and Glenmacnass Waterfall.

Other Walks 

There are plenty of other walks nearby to explore, such as the Djouce Mountain Walk, the Lough Tay to Lough Dan Walk, the Djouce Woods Walk, and the Lough Ouler Walk. These offer diverse landscapes and experiences, ensuring there’s something for every nature enthusiast to enjoy in the area.

Don’t forget to snap some photos of the various viewpoints along the road. I assure you, you will enjoy your day trip fully in this place. 

Local folklore suggests that if you stand among the trees and listen carefully, you can feel the special magic of this forest, regardless of whether you believe in it or not. So, get ready to experience this hidden gem and let yourself be enchanted by the natural beauty and tranquility of Ballinastoe Woods.

Some quick tips for the Ballinastoe Woods walk

Timing matters – 

Try to plan your visit to Ballinastoe Woods early or late in the day, and if possible, avoid weekends. Weekends tend to be busier due to the nearby attraction of Lough Tay, despite the tranquil appearance in photos. Opting for quieter times ensures a more peaceful and enjoyable experience amidst the natural beauty of the woods.

Wear a good pair of shoes – 

The woods are dry in summer but can get quite muddy in winter. Also, the Ballinastoe Boardwalk can get slippy in the rain. So bring your best shoes.  

Bring a torch (or your phone light)

The woods can get quite dark, especially in the afternoon. It’s a good idea to bring a torch or use your phone’s light to see better, particularly if you plan to explore the trails later in the day. This will help ensure your safety and allow you to navigate through the dimly lit areas of the forest more easily.

Bring water and snacks (but keep the place clean)

Don’t forget to bring water and snacks with you for your hike. While there’s a refreshment van at the Wicklow Way car park, it’s always a good idea to have your own supplies handy. And remember, please take your rubbish with you when you leave to help keep the woods clean and beautiful for everyone to enjoy.

Dress Warmly 

The area can feel chilly, especially as it can get dark quickly. It’s a good idea to dress in warm layers to stay comfortable during your visit. This way, you can easily adjust your clothing as the temperature changes throughout the day.

FAQs about the Ballinastoe Woods Walk

  1. How far is Ballinastoe Woods from Dublin?

   It’s around a 60 – 90 minute drive from Dublin depending on whether you take the toll roads or not!

  1. Is Ballinastoe Woods safe?

   Yes, but you need to be cautious. It’s a popular spot for mountain biking, so stick to the main trails and watch out for bikes. They can come by quickly, so stay alert and avoid walking on the main biking paths.

  1. What is the best time to visit Ballinastoe?

   I would recommend visiting on a cloudy or rainy day and avoiding weekends. Earlier or later in the day is also good for photography to avoid other walkers.

  1. What are the Ballinastoe opening times?

   The Ballinastoe Boardwalk is open 24 hours a day, so you’re not restricted on when you visit.

  1. Are Ballinastoe Woods free?

   Yes! It’s completely free to visit Ballinastoe Woods, and there is free parking nearby.

  1. Are there toilets at Ballinastoe?

   No, but there are some port-a-loos in the paid Wicklow Way car park.

  1. How long does the Ballinastoe Forest walk take?

   It ranges from 30 minutes to 3.5 hours, depending on the route. You can see the different options on the map above.



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Published: May – Last updated: July 02, 2024

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I came to Ireland in 2020 and currently reside in Dublin City. Over the years, I’ve come to love and appreciate this beautiful country and decided to create NR Emearald Diary to share my experiences and tips for living in Ireland. Whether you’re visiting for travel or planning to settle down, I’m sure you’ll find something useful and enjoyable here.

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